And today I bare my soul.
This will probably be an emotion tirade full of faults that I will have to edit out in the next few days but I am absolutely in horrific awe at how devastatingly tragic this world is. I read the news and continuously have these internal debates on whether or not I should write an Elishable about what I see because I don't want to contribute to hate or anger.
I want to express joy and love and the good in people. I am such an empathetic person that I can feel the emotions rolling off of people. I can tell if someone likes me or not and I don't do well in large groups because I'm often overwhelmed by the force of emotions that people express. I cant have conversations over phones because I need to see the faces of the people I talk to so I can understand WHAT they're feeling (FT IS MY BEST FRIEND FYI). The crazy thing is I WANT to do that, I want to know that my words doesn't negatively affect a persons, this TRULY matters to me. It's also natural for me and I tend to have an ability to help people and I love being of use when it's positive.
I wish the leaders and the fighters of ISIS could feel the pain I feel when I see them beheading someone who isn't like them. It is this viciously evil cycle that occurs there. They have made it common, these murders, so much so, that they feel nothing when they do it. We focus on ISIS, but they aren't the only ones responsible for this type of hate. It's common everywhere. These people have families and loved ones and your create a whole new level terror and horror, when your murder someone over power, turf wars, twenty dollars at gas station, you create a cycle. Those people have families and now they are put in a position where hate reigns in their lives and they potentially could walk the same you just did. How dare you? You are not God/Allah nor do you have a say in the life or death of someone else. To presume to think you can comprehend what God wants? Your evil. Can you not see the hate and insanity in your eyes? I wish you TRULY had empathy, that you could see how you affect people but your one of those dead eyed people when you don't care how your actions affect those around you.
I'm in the military and I've been serving for 12 years now. I was in Iraq at different points between 2004-2007. I once had a military member in my chain of command who 'highly' encourage me to watch the beheadings that occurred under the Taliban. I watched them per this persons guidance, because he was concerned with my ability to protect our unit if we went under fire. I watched them, and I couldn't sleep for weeks because of it. Even now, 12 years later I have nightmares about what I seen. I could see their faces. I saw the nonchalant way this extremist sawed off a mans head with a butcher knife, I seen the fear and terror in that poor mans eyes as he said good bye to his family and friends. The questions we have to ask is what causes this numbness in people?
That terrorist had what I call dead eyes, there was no life in them. I see eyes like every single day. They see but they are blind and they cant truly feel emotions. These people just eek out an existence that has no substance and they don't realize it, it is incredibly sad. Death is the most intimate and intimidating part of life, and to not even care about another persons life is atrocious. Not only is it disgusting to be responsible for these evil actions its horrible to view it. It creates a demand for this time in life when we transition from our bodily form and that should be kept private no matter what. When you create a demand there will always be someone willing to cash out on that and it creates this paralysis for empathy. This isn't something that is prevalent in the middle east, it occurs every single day here in the United States too. Neighbors are killing and raping innocent people, gangs get involved, hatred is being spewed and it is all caused from a lack of empathy. Insensitivity starts at childhood so we can be the cure or the a curse for the world. How are you going to effectively express to your children that its great to care, its wonderful tool to have. It encourages positive relationships, incorporates healthy emotionally practices in ones life. It allows you to put yourself in someone else's shoes and when your able to do that you don't want to cause pain to someone else. You simply don't.
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