Friday, June 12, 2015

Elishable of the Day: #DistractinglySexy

The news/twitter feeds are full of #DistractinglySexy meme's and accounts from different scientists around the world.  Apparently Nobel laureate Sir Tim Hunt sparked criticism from his chauvinistic comment about women in labs.  He said they (female scientist) "fall in love with you and when you criticize them, they cry".

Well it may be true in his case.  He says he speaks from personal experience and that is the perspective he has in his life.  I learned that valuable lesson when I was a manager of a restaurant in East Texas and I dated a bartender.  When I broke up with the decidedly obsessed bartender he was all heartbroken and didn't take it gracefully.  From that point on he made it difficult to work with and refused to listen to ANYTHING I had to say-and I had to fire him.  I learned at that moment in my life that you don't eat where you sleep, because PEOPLE are emotional creatures, both males and females.  I imagine based off of his comment, he probably doesn't have empathy when handling emotionally charged issues (obviously, since he said this in a room full of South Koreas top female scientists) which is why women seem to 'cry' around him.  His actions are despicable but by reacting to the situation the way we did allowed him to prove his point.

We women, can be at times more emotional than 'some' men, but that IS valuable.  I have also met men who were more emotional than I am, and never once did I question their work ethic.  These differences  between us actually enhances creativity and intelligence. They are positive attributes and encourage brainstorming and allow humans to accomplish tasks as effortlessly as possible.

This week alone I have seen three separate occasions where men felt like women were a subspecies to men.  One involved Sir Tim Hunt, another a critic from the New York Post who said women are incapable of comprehending GoodFellows, and a CEO who said Elizabeth Warren doesn't understand the global banking system.  Do I care? Not really.  I know my worth and you should too. 

 I also think it says something about you if you are unable to control yourself around a beautiful (or handsome) scientist.  Seriously!  If you always have issues when you date people you work with, then don't date anyone at work.  If you cant control yourself, then who is the 'weak' one.  This goes for both women and men.  Dating with co-workers can be successful for a small majority of our society and for the rest of us, we cant do it! 

The post have been rather funny, but ladies please choose your battles well.  I know we have all worked with that male chauvinistic pig who thinks women should be at home, barefoot, and pregnant.  We have all met the sexist who thinks we are only good for one thing, and using our minds isn't included in that process.  We've all met THAT guy.  The thing is we learned in elementary school to ignore the bullies and don't show them that they affect you.  The whole WORLD seems to have forgotten that.  So see people like this as what they really are, bullies who never left elementary school.  Ignore them, laugh about it with your friends, and don't feed the trolls.


  1. Really? Lots of attractive women just throwing themselves at you, Tim Hunt? Dude, a nose hair trimmer. It's not expensive.

    This controversy is very strange. Hard to understand the context and tone of a quote when we don't have a video or transcript, but it sounds SOOO far out of left field that I need to know more. What I'm reading suggests he just stood up, unprompted and slurring, and went on a short rant about why he doesn't like girls. Did someone ask him a question? His "reputation as a chauvinist" is being reported as unquestioned fact. He had that reputation a week ago, right? But he could keep his job then? What changed?

    "Not eating where you sleep" is a very principled stand, but one that I can't make given the hours we work, the insular society of the af and the occasional overseas postings, where relationship options are basically the other Americans we work with or not Americans at all. Occasionally it causes trouble but I don't really see the difference between having a guy/girl in the squadron who you used to date, versus having a guy/girl in the squadron who you just don't like. People like that bartender who can't compartmentalize when required are going to fall off the horse and get stuck SOMEWHERE along the way, whether in a relationship or a vice or with excessive salsa dancing.

    Agree completely that we would all do well to stop and re-evaluate the degree to which none of us knew who Tim Hunt was a week ago, and how much we despise him now, especially given how little we know about him. Get this guy away from microphones and back in a laboratory where he belongs, and let's all focus on the REAL priority here: scrubbing his picture from the internet. Good heavens … the nose hair.

  2. Love it Grant!!!

    🎶'My nose hair brings all the girls to the yard, all the girls to the yard...🎶

    I love how he comes off as a 1950's mad men style playboy and has a forest growing out of his bulbous nose!

    As far as eating where you sleep, you've seen my career field! It's incredibly small and everyone talks! No thanks....

    Doesn't mean I wouldn't date someone in another area but I stay away from co-workers that do what I do. Just my personal style, like I said some people handle that field of dating successfully and others just don't. I know me and I know my weakness. I am emotional, and to the point that I could allow it to affect work, so I prefer to prevent that because it can be unproductive.

    I honestly think that is what this man Was trying to say but it just made him look weak and pathetic because he can't even control himself around the distractingly sexy scientist that worked with him. He knows deep down that it doesn't work for him to date people he works with so he shouldn't do it.
